第 231 回 PTT のお知らせ

日時: 1997年7月24日(木) 18:30から
場所: 慶大・理工学部 25-601教室
  に沿って左(渋谷方向)へ行く. 仲の谷という交差点

		日吉駅から理工学部キャンパスまでの地図 )

話者: Joachim Baczewski (慶大・理工)
題目: Deliberative and Reactive Planning in a Multiple-Agent System
In natural and artificial ecosystems a tradeoff between time and
costs exists. We investigate this situation by using an ecosystem
consisting of multiple agents which have to execute plans
autonomously in order to fulfill their goals. Because resources are
limited competition emerges. Agents can have mutated
offspring. Evolution chooses agents with well adapted planning

First, we will explain our model and then we observe for different environments how the balance of deliberation and reactiveness evolves in our simulations. Further, we investigate how agents change their environment while executing their plans.